- The Underground Developer Meeting Room.

ConsoleChat turns browser's console into a global real-time chat. If you're browsing a site that uses ConsoleChat you don't need to install any software - just open up your console and join the party!

ConsoleChat is a project that started as a joke. Try it out and have a blast.


ConsoleChat works on websites that have installed the ConsoleChat javascript snippet. To unleash the power of web communities on your website, simply insert the below script to your source code (body or head), and you're good to go

<script src=""></script>

How ConsoleChat works

Use the below functions in browser's console for chatting and commanding ConsoleChat

1. Launch the chat


2. Set your username

cc.username('Your username')

3. Say something


4. Talk only to the users on the site you are currently browsing (current tab)


5. Go back to public channel


6. Send a private mesage to a user

cc.msg('username', 'Your hush hush message')

7. List all available public channels


8. Join a channel. Or create one of the channel does not exist yet.

cc.join('channel name')

9. Create/Join a private channel that will not be visible via consolechat.list() command.

cc.join('channel name', 'private')

10. List all users currently online on the channel


11. Leave a channel


12. Get insturctions

13. Close


Go on and try it out on this site!

Welcome to the jungle

We don't take any responsibility for what happens on ConsoleChat chat or for the content that users publish on ConsoleChat.


ConsoleChat doesn't track any messages sent by it's.